Transfer new players to your current roster: Tired of spending so much time creating new players? Well, there are people who has done all the work and all you got to do is transfer them over. Using
DB Commander and the help of NLSC, this can be easily done and will save you a lot of time.
1) Download updated roster patches from
2) Before installing patches, move your current roster elsewhere, eg. Move your saved files out of nba live 2004 folder and place them somewhere else because installing patches may replace your current ones
3) Be sure to move your current roster back after updated roster patches has been installed, if files have the same name, rename them
4) Open up
DB commander
5) Open your current saved roster on left side of DB commander; eg. Go to file/open/left/my documents/nba live 2004/saves/000/players.dbf
6) Open up updated roster on right side of DB commander; eg. Go to file/open/right/my documents/nba live 2004/saves/001/players.dbf
7) Transfer players from new roster to your current roster by highlighting the players that you want in the new roster patches and click the 5th tool bar, “Transfer selected record over”